
Premium Insoles - Soft Bamboo

Enjoy wearing your shoes barefooted with this soft bamboo-coconut insole.
Feet Stay Fresh & Dry
Effective Cushioning

Product Information

Product Information

Enjoy wearing your shoes barefooted with this soft bamboo-coconut insole. The top is a bamboo towelling textile that keeps your feet dry and fresh. The base consists of a breathable and permanently elastic natural coconut fibre in conjunction with a soft intermediate layer for effective cushioning. The combination makes an ultra absorbing yet light to wear insole.

Suitable for

  • Wearing Shoes Barefoot

How to Use

We recommend ensuring the inside of your shoe is clear of any odours and dirt before using.

Simply take the insole out of the packet and place one into each shoe making sure you place the right in right and left in left.

Adjust the insole and make sure it is aligned in the correct place in your shoe.

Use regularly to allow it to give you the best result.

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